Would You Like To Master The Psychology of Women & Sky Rocket Your Life Coaching Business RESULTS?

understand the true make up of women - connect with your clients - change their life

Traditional Personal Development, Coaching and Psychology is failing women and HERE'S WHY...

Today's programs and practices have neglected to recognise the innate difference between the brain wiring in the design of males versus females. 

This means mindset is 'done differently' for females, but why are we not taught this? We've all seen the jokes of the size of the 'female' instruction manual compared to a 'male', and although we laugh and joke about it, it's the very sign that no one (even us) understands the female wiring, until NOW!

In this short and powerful online course I will dive deep into the psyche and genetic make up of women with information so new you've never heard this before in any other program, guaranteed!

Are you a Women's Life Coach or striving to be? then you must read on. 

Traditional Personal Development is failing women!

Today's coaching programs and practices have neglected to recognise the genetic difference between men and women and teaching how to guide women to breakthroughs all wrong.

In this course I will dive deep into the psyche and genetic make up of women and tell you exactly how you can guarantee results for your clients and deliver them lasting change and a totally new lease on life.

  • Have you ever felt a disconnect between the methods you've learned & practice with your female clients, as if you know you need something that goes much deeper?
  • Have you ever wondered why your Female clients don't take action or they revert back to their previous habits & fears so quickly?
  • ​Do you yourself suffer from imposter syndrome or still  lack confidence and self esteem as a facilitator or women's empowerment, even though you know better?

We are conditioned to believe this is normal but it doesn't have to be!

Grasp an unparalleled understanding of how women think, feel, act, react and WHY, so you can deliver your clients results that we GUARANTEE are irreversible.

What do I get with the course?

  • 5 Swift Modules on advanced Female Psychology
  • ​​The 22 Female Brain differences and how they affect you and your clients, blocking lasting transformation and empowerment
  • No Fluff!  Scientifically backed knowledge that will have you asking WHY has no one ever shared this with you before.
  • ​A deep dive into Female Epigenetics (inherited patterns) and the Female Pinkprint® that ALL females should learn, even in school
  • 2 Free Bonuses to boost your women's transformational business​ right now! INCLUDING A FREE CLIENT ATTRACTION visualisation technique video recording, usually only reserved for our Certified Facilitators..

Meet your Teacher

Maz Schirmer, CEO of Institute of Women International

Very few coaches on earth have achieved the level of success & impact our very own CEO Maz has.

She didn't just create the only female-designed breakthrough process on the planet! 

Maz has had an incredible career spanning the last 25 years. She went from an unemployed check-out operator who lived in hiding as a scared, insecure mother of 4 children LIVING ON THE PENSION FOR 6 YEARS to becoming a confident leader of women in a fortune 500 company. She rose to #1 in 10 countries, breaking 43-year Australian records at the time. Now with 3 successful enterprises, she has proven that her Female Success formula works both for the clients and for her Transformologists (more revolutionary than a coach or facilitator).

After more than 17 years of incredible success travelling the globe training leaders, Maz became obsessed with understanding why women were not rising beyond a certain level and not able to achieve their dreams as she herself had done despite her adversity. She’s a professed “research junkie,” having spent more than 13,000 hours gorging herself on analysing ‘behind the scenes’ of the female mind and psychology to bring us all long-lasting, female-formulated solutions that WORK. She continually passes on her own discoveries and ‘learnings’ as a successful executive leader of women.

Maz now shows thousands of ordinary women how to achieve the life, lifestyle and legacy of their dreams with more than 220 qualified CREATRIX® TRANSFORMOLOGISTS in 24 countries around the world.
Maz is also an author of several Amazon best sellers and is on a mission to set 10 million hearts free around the globe, and she wants YOU to be a part of it!

Watch Maz Empowering Women

Check out what some of our students have to say about Maz's unique teachings...

What Students Have to Say

Who is Maz Schirmer?

Get Access To This Comprehensive Masterclass NOW for just $97!
YES, THAT'S IT! Nothing more to pay for this value-packed course!

  • 5 Modules on advanced Female Coaching
  • No Fluff!  Scientifically backed methods
  • ​A deep dive into Female Epigenetics and the Pinkprint (not blueprint)
  • 2 Free Bonuses to boost your life coaching business​ right now!
(This used to be $297 and a full day face to face program held in Australian Capital Cities)

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