Our program is UNIQUE in that Maz designed Creatrix®, so it's not a 'knock-off' like many programs are. It's created from the science of how the female brain works, and is completely designed to BREAK THE CYCLE. It's uniqueness is part of the guarantee
Shatter Your Clients Blockages SUPER FAST, with LASTING Results You Can GUARANTEE for 365 days.

This is an ADVANCED FACILITATOR PROGRAM that supports the personal development industry women Coaches to get BETTER, BIGGER RESULTS FASTER for their women clients, Guaranteed! 

Do you want exceptional results for yourself AND your clients in 1-3 sessions max like all our 180+ 5 star reviewers said they get?
(see for yourself online, not a single review below 5) 

Our revolutionary facilitator program gives you EVERYTHING you need, in one complete program. Earn while you Learn!
Do you feel CONFIDENT in your ability to authentically, and systematically get your women clients the kind of success you AND THEM can take to the bank?
Or, do you keep experiencing the same limiting patterns, despite the work that you do on yourself?

Do your CLIENTS revert, despite the work you do with them too? 

Does your heart sense something's not right if you have to take their money again, to work on the same issue they paid you for already?

Most women in the PD industry know there's a missing piece for women, because they know instinctively that women's issues run so deeeeeeeeeep, they often return when the hype is over or the modality loses it's power, making them feel like they aren't good enough, even when experiencing the best modalities and programs out there. 

Do you want to deliver a more powerful experience that breaks the cycle and LASTS not just for your clients, but for YOU TOO?

What MANY of our Facilitators Had to Say When Discovering The Missing Puzzle Piece

If you're ready to become resilient, burnout-proof and "cleaned out", ready to authentically be the best influencer (or therapist) you can in life and business, then you're going to need something designed FOR WOMEN by a WOMAN! Because you guessed right, we do internalise differently.

The Creatrix® Transformology® Accreditation Program gives you EVERYTHING you need to break through your OWN "stuff" once and for all, (it wouldn't be right if we didn't facilitate YOUR breakthrough as part of the program so you can walk in your truth), and to facilitate powerful and lasting transformations in others. 

It doesn't get better than that in this era where outcome or 'results' is not factored into modalities, instead they're process focused! That's ok if your modality is not designed purely for guaranteed outcomes. 

All our facilitators get ongoing coaching, business advice (in regards to a modality that has a therapy built into it and is possible to guarantee outcomes), Creatrix® on tap for you (to remove the limiting beliefs you likely have around the possibility of a method doing what you've not experienced or seen doen before, a massive resources centre and 4 differing purposed business groups, to get you out there and succeeding, not to mention a global sisterhood.

The only way to be ROCK SOLID 100% CERTAIN if this program is right for you is to enrol because you GET A SESSION and a whole month of training BEFORE you can change your mind using our 30 DAY OPT OUT GUARANTEE, knowing in your heart, you've found your missing piece, like 200+ facilitators (Transformologists) found out when they enrolled, from the 24 countries they live in.

Psychologist Claudia Explains Why She Uses Creatrix® 

  • You're a woman with a passion to help other women regain their confidence and self-belief, but you feel deep down that you need to heal, transform or grow in some way.
  • You know that the female mind works very differently to the male mind and you would like to understand the psychology and science behind helping FEMALES.
  • ​You find that the methods you've used or are using don't last - your clients keep coming back with the same issues and you are NOT OK with that. You want a modality that truly lasts.
  • You sometimes feel like a fraud because you work with women who are not really ready to do what you say, and the lack of results makes you doubt yourself?
  • You may already have success in your business​ but you are stressed, burnt out and your business is sucking you dry of your precious energy.
  • ​​You understand the importance of being "cleaned out" and burnout-proof in order to authentically help others.
  • ​You want more clients but your energy isn't attracting the numbers OR clients you desire.​
Do you just know that you were born to see other women set free and living their best lives? 

Whether you are already working as a therapist or coach or are just starting your journey — our COMPLETE Creatrix® Transformology® Accreditation Program is for you!
Imagine Being Able to Build a LEGACY Through Setting Women Free of Their Deepest Emotional and Mental Blocks, GUARANTEED...

Using 1 PROCESS for ALL Issues that's fast to learn. (8 weeks and you're out there making money and able to offer a guaranteed outcome, using a SYSTEM implemented through careful checklists and templates!
Creatrix® is our signature process and it's making waves across the globe in the psychological and coaching industries. 
Creatrix® is different from every other program and tool out there. How is it different? Simple: the results last FOR WOMEN. The process is quick, but the results are dramatic. Our proven method obliterates self-sabotage, feelings of failure or hopelessness, hurts from past negative experiences and destroys limiting beliefs. It even has the power to heal PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). 

Unlike so many other courses, our groundbreaking transformational process was designed exclusively for women. You won’t believe the results… 

We're Paying It Forward

(Because Helping Girls Is Helping The World)

The Institute of Women International is a proud supporter of PLAN International, contributing every month to the wonderful work they do in helping the most disadvantaged women in the world to be respected, feel confident and be self-sufficient.

This Program is the ONE AND ONLY PROGRAM you need be a competent, confident and RESULTS-GETTING Transformologist® (a word we created for a facilitator who is so good she can guarantee transformation) of women, setting hearts free for a living. 

We’ve done the hard work so you can focus on what you do best. Here's what is included:

So you can 'Earn While You Learn' and pay later!

All rights to our Intellectual Property are included in your first year
and to thoroughly understand Creatrix® and Transformology®. You will learn exactly what it is we do that allows us to SET HEARTS FREE so effortlessly!
Done online via Zoom with one of our Creatrix® Transformologists®. 

You will get to experience the power of Creatrix® for yourself so that you are ready to harness its power to facilitate deep transformations in other women.

During this time you will learn to become a Creatrix® Transformologist® alongside a group of like-minded women who are as passionate as you are about helping women! 

You will learn to become a burn-out proof facilitator of this deep transformational process and in the process, will likely form lifelong bonds!

Once you have completed your exam, which is only part-way into your learning (because our Program is ONGOING so you never actually stop learning!), you will be able to start taking paying clients and take advantage of our unique "earn while you learn" model.

You’ll become accredited, will be listed on our website and eligible for insurance plus a listing on the IICT website.

Additional learning and mentoring delivered online via webinars with our Program Trainers.

Our Trainers are available year-round for you to call on for help and guidance!

When you become a Transformologist® you join our growing family of vibrant, passionate women who are also there for you to share, uplift and support you in your mission!

The only way to be sure if this program is right for you is to

What Makes This Program So Unique?
  •  TRANSFORMOLOGY® does! This is the ONLY teaching where you can learn what causes 100% of female clients to get 100% GUARANTEED results! THIS EXISTS NO WHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET!
  • ​There's nothing else like Creatrix® on the PLANET either because it's the tool that evolved from Transformology® so you will be leading with a world-first process that very few people have the privilege of using THAT GUARANTEES the client gets results.
  • You get to experience the power of Creatrix® for yourself FIRST so that you are burnout-proof and ready to empower others without any of your own blocks in the way
  • You will learn a tool that is formulated specifically FOR women, BY a woman - exclusively for the female brain!
  • Accreditation is SUPER FAST after you've completed the face-to-face training (online), so you can make money while still learning!
  • You get to experience deeply rewarding, heart-felt fulfilment when you get immediate, lasting results with Creatrix®
Do Any of These Sound Like You?
  •  You feel a deep sense of purpose when it comes to helping women to heal, transform or grow in some way.
  • You long to help your female clients in a truly PROFOUND, fast and guaranteed way.
  • You may (or may not) already be an amazing coach / therapist / healer / mentor who is GREAT at your craft – but frustrated at the methodologies you are currently using to break women through their emotional pain because they aren't LASTING and effortless for you to deliver.
  • ​YOU LOVE the idea of not having to create something from scratch, so you can hit the ground running, all in a neat little package where you use ONE tool for ALL issues and everything you need in the way of support and tools is all inclusive.
  • You know you have your own issues that need to be cleared before you can truly and authentically empower others (without feeling like you're a fraud!) and you're READY to ditch them.
  • Your current empowerment business isn't going how you dreamt it could be. You want to be free to focus on helping more people.
Option to opt-out after 30 days if you are not COMPLETELY convinced that this is THE course that you have been searching for! 
We give you 30 days to decide whether you want to go on to become a Creatrix® Transformologist®. 

If Creatrix® is not all we said it was and this program extremely valuable to you, we'll return your money less admin fee only!
How Would Your Life and Business Look WITHOUT These Sabotaging Blocks?
Below are the most common 'blocks' we see in women in this industry that take them down - all of which can be blasted away with Creatrix®!
  • BLOCKS AROUND MONEY AND ABUNDANCE - Lack mindset when it comes to abundance in your bank account OR your business.
  • NOT GOOD ENOUGH - This is a big issue, even more so for women that dims our light, keeps us small and suppressed. This is the opposite of living to your potential.
  • FEAR OF FAILURE​- It's part of life, yet it stops women stepping out.
  • FEAR OF SUCCESS - YES, for most women this is a BIG one. After all, standing out, standing up and speaking up and BEING SEEN are the opposite of what we've been programmed to do over time. This stops us saying 'pick me' and so we lose out, again and again wondering why. THIS IS WHY.
  • FEAR OF REJECTION - This suppresses your voice. Of course you will be rejected, daily in fact, at different stages of your cycle also so the last thing you want to be doing is feeling or dreading the old stab in the guts every time you ask for the sale or say your price. We females take this too far in business and it really does get in the way of our success progress.
  • COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS - It's hard enough maintaining self belief let alone comparing ourselves to others we see as more successful, further along, prettier, smarter, etc.
  • FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN - It can be scary not knowing that we'll be ok to pay the bills next week, BUT the fear itself can CAUSE the lack. We need to get rid of this 'abundance block'.
  • RESENTMENT - OMG! IT TURNS OUT THIS IS THE BIGGEST BLOCK TO MONEY. Why would you be given it if you resent it or those you will have to give it to???
  • OVERWHELM ("IT'S TOO HARD") - This one is the biggest reason we procrastinate till we give up. We need to have you resilient, strong and able to cope. We must calm your adrenals and not have you sweating the small stuff. It's not worth it. 
  • FEAR OF JUDGEMENT - This one is a biggy for women. Feeling that you are being judged by others is a HUGE hinderance to your success and happiness.
  • PUTTING YOURSELF LOW IN IMPORTANCE - YOU are the pillar of the household. YOU must fill your cup always, to be emotionally and mentally healthy. IT'S OK! It's YOUR time now, to allow the fruits of your dreams to become reality. If you do not put yourself first, no one else will.
  • NOT TRUSTING YOURSELF & YOUR GUT INSTINCT - Second guessing is another of our curses that kills us from making decisions. Sorry to tell you but business is simply a whole bunch of micro and macro decisions. You must be able to back yourself or why bother.
  • GUILT - One of the most crippling killers of the woman's voice. This one emotion has zero benefits to your happiness and kindness. It is NOT a moral compass. You don't need one.
  • HURT - This is so rooted at the base of most of our anger, rage and masculine emotions. Hurt people can hurt people without realising it. 
  • BURDENED BY RESPONSIBILITY - We discovered almost all women had this built up inside of them. Add business responsibility to mummy responsibility and for all the other roles we play in life and you BURN OUT. We can't have that because you need to actualise your dream.
  • HAVE TO GET IT RIGHT - Arrrr, ladies we are forever wanting to get things right so we can be validated that we are a 'good girl'. It's called good girl syndrome and it's not your fault but it's built in us to be 'good' and so we take that to mean we must be perfect. Good is good enough.
  • UNDESERVING - This one can be a double edged sword. There's 2 sides to this. We must be careful we don't over balance you and bring on entitlement. We are careful in how we clear this one to ensure you 'expect' success rather than feel it's owed to you or that you are not worthy.
  • TAKING THINGS PERSONALLY - This can be a HUGE block to your success as it can cause you to not take action or to wallow in your emotions.
IF you think it's too good to be true - IT'S NOT it's VERY real, ask our converted industry professionals who are now Transformologists themselves!

Creatrix® cleans out your natural BS radar by removing the 'rust' from your gut instinct antenna so you can live more fully and experience a new level of success in your business. The decisions you make will pan out much better when you navigate them from your natural GPS system - your GUT.

Creatrix® is the way of the future to RAPIDLY turn things around, bringing profound emotional and mental intelligence. And what a BEAUTIFUL gift to be able to offer to others when you become a Creatrix® Transformologist®!
What Does a Naturopathic Doctor & Associate Professor Say About Creatrix®?
Check out what our Past Graduates have to say… 

The only way to be sure if this program is right for you is to

HURRY — positions are limited in each course as we work closely with each woman to ensure your success, so book your call to apply now!
Karen's Case Study
Karen is a Hypnotherapy TRAINER who knew something was missing. 
Discover why she now calls Creatrix® the "Porsche" of all therapies and methods she has ever learnt...
Are you ready to do what Karen did and shift your life and business to the next level, in a BIG way with Creatrix®?!
Rezza was a Life Coach who felt like a fraud because secretly, she felt insecure and unworthy. 
She knew she couldn't be effective in her work if she remained as she was YET SHE'D DONE MANY COURSES before.
"How can I help others feel confidence... when I'm not even confident about myself?" Rezza
See how Rezza's life changed within 16 months of completing the Creatrix® Transformology® Accreditation Program
This could be YOU! 

The only way to be sure if this program is right for you is to

Perhaps you're like Dawn, and you know that there's just SOMETHING holding you back from achieving 100% in your business?
Dawn felt like she was going to "bust" with anger, frustration and anxiety. It was getting her nowhere in her business, OR her personal life for that matter.

We checked back in with her 12 months after we found the root cause and put her through the Creatrix® experience. You can actually SEE the peace and calm in her face when she speaks about her "post-Creatrix®" life!
Enjoying life on the other side of those pesky, useless "blocks" that are stopping you from showing up properly for yourself, your family, your clients.
Catherine's Case Study
Catherine - a business owner in the Allied Health industry - had an inability to love herself. She battled guilt, fear and sadness and it was affecting her ability to succeed in her business and show up as her best self for her patients. 

We checked back in with her 8 months after her Creatrix® experience as a part of the Program...
We all have our demons, but when we work in the empowerment industry it's SO IMPORTANT that we defeat them so that we can authentically show others that they can do the same! 
A Transformational Coach After Attending the Creatrix® Transformologist® Accreditation Program:
What Do Dutch Therapists Say About the Creatrix® Transformologist® Accreditation Program?

Want results like this for YOURSELF?

Imagine being able to work to your own utmost potential AND to set other women free to do the same?

The only way to be sure if this program is right for you is to

Our Creatrix® Transformology ® Accreditation Program sets you up for incredible success - check out what some of our students have gone on to do…
Maz wants nothing more than for you to SUCCEED by using these high value BONUS resources! 
  • ​EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to Maz herself! The same innovative mind that created Creatrix® and Transformology® and knows how to build a successful company.
  • ​Access to Maz’s Secret Business Success Resource Vault - extracted and condensed from up to 12 of the world’s leading Business Courses, over 160 best selling author books, including 13,000 hours of research, and been reconstructed to fit the FEMALE BRAIN.
  • Tools and resources she’s personally created in her 24 year career as a global leader, teaching women in 5 countries and helping ordinary women make more than $34,500,000 running empowerment businesses.
  • Maz’s videos, LeadHERship speeches and recordings to keep you empowered, inspired and connected to the brains behind Creatrix® (ever-growing with all her latest insights, research and developments).
  • ​Access to varying online groups abuzz with excitement for the common mission to SET 10 MILLION WOMEN’S HEARTS FREE.

The only way to be sure if this program is right for you is to

Maz has had an incredible career spanning the last 23 years. She went from an unemployed check out operator who lived in hiding as a scared, insecure mother of 4 children to becoming a confident leader of women in a fortune 500 company. She rose to #1 in 10 countries, breaking 43-year Australian records at the time. Now with 3 successful enterprises, she has proven that her FEMALE SUCCESS formula works both for the clients and for her Transformologists.

After more than 10 years of incredible success travelling the globe training leaders, Maz became obsessed with understanding why women were not rising beyond a certain level and not able to achieve their dreams as she herself had done despite her adversity. She’s a professed “research junkie,” having spent more than 13,000 hours gorging herself on analysing ‘behind the scenes’ of the female mind and psychology to bring us all long-lasting, female-formulated solutions that WORK. She continually passes on her own discoveries and ‘learnings’ as a successful executive leader of women.

Maz now shows thousands of ordinary women how to achieve the life, lifestyle and legacy of their dreams with more than 200 licensed CREATRIX® TRANSFORMOLOGISTS in 18 countries around the world.
Maz is on a mission to set 10 million hearts free around the globe, and she wants YOU to be a part of it!
The Creatrix® Transformology® Accreditation Program is for every woman who already has or is launching a career in the empowerment industry and wants to START NOW, not later. It's for those who want to change women's lives in a profound and LASTING way… 

AND earn a good income doing something they LOVE.
Would you like to EXPERIENCE Creatrix® for yourself so that you can truly understand how powerful it is?
The only way to be sure if this program is for you is to TRIAL THE METHOD, Creatrix®
  • Become RESILIENT AND BURNOUT PROOF so you can do your BEST work empowering other women
  •  Experience a PROFOUND TRANSFORMATION as we set your heart free of the unhealed pains that feeds into your self esteem, confidence and ultimately your work
  •  Discover how to burst through TO YOUR NEXT LEVEL for more clients so that you can help MORE people
  •  Learn how to run your business IN FLOW WITH YOUR NATURAL DESIGN AS A FEMALE, in connection with your body and soul and working with your natural flow rather than going against it. You’ll learn when to do what types of business activities and when NOT to – this is something that no one else teaches women and yet it is so important!
  •  Gain MORE CONFIDENCE in yourself as an individual which enhances ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE. Women don't have life in many compartment's, we have just a few.
  •  Discover the freedom to be your AUTHENTIC SELF at home and in business. Isn’t it exhausting having to be “on” all the time just to keep up appearances?
  •  Learn how to find more ease and flow in all aspects of your life
  •  Discover MORE HARMONY in your life: Better balance between your home and business life
  •  Let go of the stress and OVERWHELM that comes with all the “have to’s” and “should’s”. This helps give you the power to switch off and rejuvenate regularly
  •  Be able to confidently MAKE DECISIONS according to what’s important to YOU, not what’s “expected” by everyone else
  •  Become the CREATOR OF YOUR DAY-TO-DAY life experience: Learn how to create your life, your lifestyle and your legacy YOUR way
  •  UNDERSTAND YOURSELF better so you can help OTHERS understand THEMSELVES better
  •  Know how to do the RIGHT THINGS AT THE RIGHT TIME according to YOUR unique make up as an individual and a woman
  •  STOP COMPARING YOURSELF and worrying what other people think (or might think) about you and really KNOW IN YOUR GUT (not just in your head) that you actually ARE GOOD ENOUGH
  •  CREATE MORE TIME to focus on what’s important in YOUR life without having to constantly work on yourself, doing the same thing over and over again… who has time for that?!
  •  Become the best version of yourself and find true fulfilment in life
  •  SIDE BONUS: 7/10 of you that are in relationships will feel more liberated in the bedroom, which seeps into your overall health, happiness AND your business success
  •  Be a part of an empowered group of like-minded women in the empowerment industry and form network connections and friendships that will last a lifetime
  • Become the ROLE MODEL you want to be for your kids AND the 8000 other people we women influence throughout our lifetime, aside from your clients. “What you do speaks so loudly they cannot hear what you say” as the saying goes
  • Take ownership of the choices and actions you make in life to create a BETTER life for you and the people you love
  • ​LEARN POWERFUL TOOLS to keep you moving forward so you have the confidence and ability to get out of your own sh#t – the definition of true empowerment
  • ​Learn how to quickly recognise when you’re going off track so you can get back on it before you go too far down the rabbit hole and create more problems for yourself
  • ​Be free to constantly move forward by smashing through any new blocks or glass ceilings as they arise, so that you never have anything in your way to success
  • ​Finally BANISH that constant negative HEAD CHATTER! You get to experience the peace and quiet that we all strive for, without having to meditate (you’ll finally understand what it’s like for a man to literally be thinking about nothing!)
If you're SERIOUS about setting women's hearts and minds FREE and have been seeking the 'missing piece' and ready to do something about it, then WE NEED TO SPEAK!
Become a Creatrix® Transformologist®
As WOMEN we are wired differently to men, so we need different solutions for our CLIENTS A.N.D. for US to succeed WHILE staying not just SANE but happily FULFILLED, recognised and financially rewarded. 
Does this sound familiar?
You've been teaching friends, clients and colleagues to think positively, optimistically, set goals and targets, strategies, set plan B’s in place and YET STILL they don’t follow through consistently. 

In fact a LACK OF CONSISTENCY and MOTIVATION is a very common problem for women but what if you knew, THERE'S A BETTER WAY FOR US CHICKS....

We're told it’s mindset that matters most but for us women it’s actually ‘heartset’ as we carry so much more in our hearts than our male counterparts do!

We women are emotional beings and ‘heartset’ totally overrides the mindset for most of us. 

We bet you already know this... you can feel it in your gut that it's true!
The thing that makes our Programs different!
You probably know DEEP DOWN that what sits beneath most women's issues is NOT FEELING 'ENOUGH'. Not good enough, not smart enough, not 'whatever the f' enough. But what if it's been inherited and deeply ingrained from what our gender has suffered in the way of suppression?

For our female clients, there are patterns of the HEART that must be broken, not just patterns of the mind. YOU are female, a leader to the little ones in your families and communities and businesses. Through our Creatrix® Transformology® Accreditation Program we teach you the female factor difference, so that you can better understand YOURSELF. You can then pass your knowledge on to your own clients, friends, daughters and even sons. BUT IT STARTS WITH YOU so WE START WITH YOU TOO!

Our teachings are 100% formulated FOR women, BY a woman. And that's what makes them so powerfully unique!
Would you like to get RESULTS like these for YOUR clients?
Megan Stephenson
After a long-term struggle with loneliness and disconnected relationships, see how Megan has changed 14 months after her Creatrix® experience...
Jenny Penfold
Jenny had a crippling fear of rejection, she was angry and just felt like she "couldn't pull it off." Check out how things have changed for her 3 months after Creatrix®...

Imagine being able to transform a woman's life in such a profound way, that's fast, painless, irreversible AND will leave you feeling incredibly fulfilled.


"The training program was so well run. The trainers were professional, kind and dedicated. The most important thing is that while we were in training, we also continued to receive support on our own growth and development. 

Now that I'm a Transformologist® myself, I still use Creatrix® as my go-to tool and I'm so happy that I can offer it to my clients. Institute of Women International has set up a fantastic support network for us as well, so that I never feel alone and know that I'm always supported in my business. I don't believe there are any other tools or systems out there, designed especially for women and can offer results like this.

Investing in Creatrix® for myself as well as the training to become a Transformologist® are two of the best decisions I've ever made. It truly is life changing"  --

Trained Naturopathic Doctor & Associate Professor


"From the trainers, to the content to professional development - these women are powerful, grounded, sound in their knowledge and communication. 

I have been blown away by the outstanding results I have achieved for both myself and facilitating the process for other women. 

It's more than a community they have created, it’s a family. Super supportive sisterhood, who have the same vision - to set women’s hearts free. 

What can be achieved in 3-5 sessions with IOWI, I haven’t achieved in years with clients through counselling and psycho educational programs. This is a revolutionary tool that I’m so passionate about and so proud to utilise. To see such fast results in a world that’s evolved to embrace fast pace, this tool parallels social norms with the guarantee of success." --

Trained Counsellor


"I’ve participated in various business support programs over the years and nothing comes close to the ongoing support, training & education provided in the CREATRIX® Transformology® program. 

For 7 years I’ve built a solid business empowering women and everything I’ve needed to lay a strong foundation has been provided by Maz and IOWI. And that’s not including the ongoing development I’ve been able to access as a Facilitator. My own continued growth has enabled me to safely and confidently help hundreds of women and I believe that’s because of the CT program.

This is a perfect business opportunity for women who have a passion to make a difference while being individually supported by a training body, no matter past experience." --

Founder – Changing the Empowerment Industry for Women


"When you become a Transformologist®, you feel sooo supported by Maz and the team, all the sisterhood that is your new tribe and you can finally stop the anxious search for purpose because this is it! 

The value and education is second to none and is constantly evolving. You will never feel bored or complacent as there is always inspiration happening within the Institute and so much more to learn. 

It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and all of the hearts I am and will be setting free in the future." --

Catalyst Coaching


"Having a purpose and seeing the women that I’ve set free... nothing will stop me now! If you stick to the program and do everything that Maz has said, you do not need to go and learn another thing to have a successful business empowering women. 

Maz has thought of everything and it’s so easy to follow and implement. The value she keeps giving is priceless. So grateful to not have to think about everything. Only concentrate on our avatar and attracting the right clients." --

The Pink Brain - Emotional Intelligence for Women


"There is always so much added value. 

Thank you Maz for always wanting us to succeed but most importantly to help us help more women live their happiest lives." --

Our incredible programs fill up quickly, so schedule an interview with one of our amazing ladies today.
We would be SO HONOURED to have you join us on our mission, should you be accepted!
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